Finding Your Tribe: The Importance of Cultural Compatibility in Hiring and How to Spot It
Picture this: You are knee deep in documents and you hear something. You make your way out of your office and see your staff working together like a well-oiled machine. They are collaborating, they are working as a team, and they are happy. You hear the chatter of...
Shares in BVI Business Companies – Avoiding a Succession Problem
British Virgin Islands ("BVI") business companies are often used for private wealth structuring purposes. However, where the shares in a BVI business company are registered in the name of an individual rather than a corporate entity, a question will arise concerning...

Classifying An Asset for Charitable Purposes
It's not enough to show that it isn't held as an investment or to produce income. [...]Read More
I’m A Childless, Single Adult. How Do I Navigate Establishing Fiduciaries?
Many people default to nominating a spouse or a child as personal representative of their estate or trustee of their trust, if they have one. However, when one has neither a spouse nor a child, who should one choose to fill these roles? The honest answer to that...
Do Estate Beneficiaries Have a Default Right to Live in Estate Property Rent Free Until the Property is Distributed?
No, according to In re Estate of Elze D. Harris, Docket No. 362364 (September 28, 2023). In Estate of Harris, the decedent's three children were embroiled in litigation over who should control their deceased father's estate and whether daughter Denise should have to...
[Webinar] Estate Planning Doesn’t Have to be Scary – October 26th, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Planning ahead for the unknown can be frightening and intimidating. However, our team is here to expel the spine-chilling misconceptions of advance directives, estate planning, and estate administration. Read More
Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples: Considerations to Make
There are two ways in which your assets pass upon your death: (1) by operation of law to designated beneficiaries (IRA, life Insurance, etc.), pursuant to an agreement (a living trust agreement) or as joint owners with rights of survivorship, or (2) through the...
Estate Planning Update: Preparing for the Corporate Transparency Act
Effective January 1, 2024, a sweeping anti-financial crimes law - the Corporate Transparency Act - will affect every small business. Read More
Transforming Your Consultations
Effective consultations are the cornerstone of a successful estate planning practice. Unfortunately, many attorneys fall into the trap of educating versus consulting. Read More
What to Expect: Your First Meeting with an Estate Planner
Any estate planning professional will tell you everyone should have an estate plan. But we also understand that the whole process can feel a bit daunting-finding an estate planning attorney, getting organized, making decisions that will impact your loved ones, and...