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Eviction Rights and Rules

The conditions and steps involved in a landlord forcing a tenant to leave a rented property – ‘eviction’ – are defined by state and local laws. As both landlord and tenants have legal rights, eviction requires methodical and documented steps....

Understanding Tenant Rights

Renting home or business space from an owner comes with legal rights and responsibilities. The landlord can’t do ‘anything they want’, and neither can the tenant. Federal, state and local laws all apply. Under the Federal Fair Housing Act, tenant...

Landlord Rights & Responsibilities

A landlord owns property that is rented or leased to someone else – the ‘tenant’ or ‘lessee.’ Both responsibilities and rights for landlords are defined by law – usually state and local codes in the US. Responsibilities for...

What is an S Corporation?

In US law, corporations are organizations authorized to act as a legal entity. US and state tax laws allow a special ‘S Corporation’ tax status that changes how corporate taxes are handled. The government taxes regular ‘C’ corporations directly...

What is a Limited Liability Corporation?

In US law, corporations are organizations authorized to act as a legal entity. US law also recognizes another legal status for a company, called a ‘limited liability corporation’, or LLC for short. LLCs are not separate legal entities like regular...